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Blog 9: Voice of Wonder

To wonder. To ask. And that in wondering bout the big things and asking bout the big things, you learn about the little ones, almost by accident. The more I wonder, the more I love.

Alice Walker

As I begin 2019, I am wondering about the world and what my goals might be for this year! Do I spend time in reflection and wonder, asking questions? Do I take the time to listen and care for those around me and those far away? How can I be a voice of wonder not only for myself but also for others?

As we spent time with our granddaughters over this past month, it was exciting to hear them ask questions. But why, gramma? Look at this! Gramma, let me show you something with that curious lilt in their voice! Their questions and astonishment with the world gives me a new way to see.

I see their uncondemning love for people, their ability to forgive and forget, their joy at the small things, their ability to ask questions. Is it in their wonderment that they develop this love as Alice Walker has stated? Could I wonder more about my neighbor and their welfare, that recent widow, my friend that is dealing with her husband’s alzheimers condition, …. Yes, I believe I would love more if I reached out more to those around me.

On this cold, blustery day that is overcast, I do wonder about those that experience homelessness in our community and how we can comfort them with warmth and nourishment. As our church prepares a meal and some of these individuals join us, I wonder about the struggle of living on the street. This wonderment comes from a place of wanting to provide and care.

Another type of wonderment is appreciation for the planet and the living earth. As we were driving home last night, the sunset was vibrant with reds and oranges shining through the trees. It was absolutely breath taking. I wondered what causes some sunsets to be so vibrant and others that I just take for granted? This is a wonderment comes from a place of appreciating beauty.

As you approach 2019, how will you reflect the wonder in your world and the people around you?